Are you trying to find trade schools in Anchorage AK? The metropolitan area is home to both of the Last Frontier’s campus-based vocational training institutions. Most national technical colleges also offer online classes to Alaskan residents, so be sure to look for distance learning courses as well if the program you’re interested in is not offered locally.
The following section contains a brief profile of each school in the Anchorage area.
Accredited Trade Schools in Anchorage, AK
Alaska Career College
Address: 1415 E Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99507-1033
Phone: (907) 563-7575 x136
Largest Program: Medical/Clinical Assistant
Average Program Length: 10 months
Overall Graduation Rate: 73%
Alaska Career College places its emphasis on smaller classrooms and ensuring that students receive the individualized instruction they need to succeed in their chosen profession. The college offers certification and degree programs in a range of healthcare fields, as well as in business and aircraft dispatching.
Charter College – Anchorage
Address: 2221 E Northern Lights Blvd Ste 120, Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Phone: (907) 277-1000
Largest Program: Medical/Clinical Assistant
Average Program Length: 10 months
Overall Graduation Rate: 25%
Charter College Anchorage offers 22 different programs in career fields including: health care, business, criminal justice, legal, information technology and construction. Since 1985, the school has awarded master’s, bachelor’s, associate’s and certificate programs.