
Find Trade Schools Near You!

Hello, and welcome to – a searchable data base of over 1,500 trade schools and vocational programs located all across the United States! With the resources provided on this site, you’ll be able to locate courses in your area that can help you prepare for a new job, or provide you with the credentials needed to advance quicker in your current one.

Whether your goal is to work in information technology, food and hospitality, business, healthcare or any other skilled trade, we’ll tell you what you need to know about each field, and help you find the right program!

What are Trade Schools, Vocational Schools, etc.?

Trade schools (also known as technical schools, vocational schools and career colleges) are institutions that prepare students to work in a specific job. Whereas traditional colleges focus on providing a broad education, vocational programs focus on career and technical education (CTE) – i.e., the exact skills and knowledge that will be required to perform your job.

Who Can Enroll?

Trade Schools studentsAlthough requirements vary from one program to the next, many accept any applicant who has earned a high school diploma or GED. Certain institutions also require proof of passing grades in specific high school classes, minimum scores on entrance exams and other letters of recommendation.

To find out the exact admission requirements for any program, contact the school directly.

How Are Vocational Schools Different From Traditional Colleges?

Vocational SchoolsThe biggest difference between vocational schools and traditional colleges is the curriculum and teaching style. Whereas a conventional college requires students to take a wide range of classes on many different subjects, vocational training focuses only on the material required in order to be successful in a specific job.

Also, whereas most universities teach theory, these programs usually include hands-on experience and individual coaching from a professor who is also a professional in the field.

What Types of Vocational Programs are Available?

Most vocational schools offer a wide range of programs, ranging from popular healthcare courses (e.g. Certified Nursing Assistant training) to certification and licensing exam prep for traditional trades like electricians, truck drivers and auto mechanics. The following is a brief list of some of the most popular programs available:

Online vs. On-Campus Programs

Online Trade SchoolsDepending on the type of program you’re interested in, it may be possible to complete a significant portion of your education online. Distance learning courses usually cover the same material taught in the classroom, but allow you to study whenever, and from wherever, you like.

Best of all, online programs can often save students money as well by eliminating the need for travel!

Ready to Find Your Trade School Near you?

If you’re ready to contact a local trade school and receive more information about upcoming courses, financial aid opportunities, test dates, etc., the first step is to enter your zip code in the search box on this page. You’ll be directed to contact forms for featured trade schools in your area. Simply fill-in the required information, prepare any questions you have for the admissions personnel, and you’ll have taken the first step toward a brighter future!

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